Education and training

The Euregion at school

Definition and Learning objective

The Euregion Maas-Rhine is a region in which languages and cultures continually meet each other. How do you make your pupils and/or students experience this process in the best possible way? By bringing them together with a view to understanding and appreciating each other’s languages and cultures.

Linguacluster teaches you how to set up these kinds of exchanges (real or virtual). That is why Linguacluster organises extra trainings and a yearly symposium. In addition, in collaboration with teacher trainers, Linguacluster has developed a “Euregion module”. Through our electronic newsletter we also keep you posted about the latest learning tools and project activities, which are currently in the pipeline.

Target groups


Euregion module: free online accessibility

The Euregion module consists of three components: intercultural learning, didactics of exchange and didactics of the mother tongue as a foreign language. Each component has been developed with didactic information, assignments, references and interesting tips of great importance for any (prospective) teacher who wants to find out more about the teaching of neighbouring languages, education systems in the different Euregional areas, traineeships in the neighbouring area and the organisation of exchanges. Click here to discover the Euregion module.

Learning network of teachers and teacher trainers in the Euregion Maas-Rhine

Through trainings you can get acquainted with the components of the module, which has been developed in collaboration with a network of teachers and teacher trainers in the Euregion Maas-Rhine. This network offers teachers the possibility to exchange knowledge and expertise at Euregional level. You are welcome to share your expertise by becoming a member of this network.


Linguacluster keeps you updated through its digital newsletters. Click here to subscribe.

How to participate/enrol

If you are interested in one of these activities or you wish to become a member of the learning network, please contact the project team.


Astrid Hannes: - Tel.: + 32 11 30 58 43
Provincie Limburg, Linguacluster, Universiteitslaan 3, B-3500 Hasselt

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© Universiteit Hasselt – Centrum Toegepaste Linguïstiek, 2010
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