Class exchanges

“Take your pupils across the language border”

Learning objective

A (real or virtual) exchange with a class from another language area within the Euregion Maas-Rhine offers your pupils the opportunity to put their knowledge of German, French and Dutch into practice among their foreign-speaking peers.

Target group(s)


Linguacluster helps schools to develop a pedagogic cooperation with a partner school within the Euregion Maas-Rhine by means of a (real or virtual) exchange. This will enable youngsters to get acquainted with their foreign-speaking peers. Thus they will improve their proficiency by working together in real-life situations.



Sabrina Reggers: - Tel.: + 32 11 30 58 48
Provincie Limburg, Linguacluster, Universiteitslaan 3, B-3500 Hasselt

Derk Sassen: - Tel.: + 31 455 76 30 61
Talenacademie Nederland, Linguacluster, Valkenburgerweg 177, NL-6419 AT Heerlen

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